Bhubaneswar, Odisha


Highly Scalable IT Solutions & Services

Class And Object IN C#

Class: Class is user-defined datatype. Class is a collection of objects of same type that have properties and behaviour. C# is based on the C++ programming language. Hence, the C# programming language has in-built support for classes and objects. A class is nothing but an encapsulation of properties and methods that are used to represent…
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Encapsulation In C#

The process of binding the data and functions together into a single unit (i.e. class) is called encapsulation or you can say that the process of defining a class by hiding its internal data members from outside the class and accessing those internal data members only through publicly exposed methods (setter and getter methods) or…
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Abstarction In C#

The Abstraction in C# is one of the fundamental OOPs principles which acts as a supporting principle. Abstraction means to abstract the necessary data and avoid all remaing data. It catch only necessary data and avoid the implementation details. The process of representing the essential features without including the background details is called Abstraction. In simple words,…
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C# Inheritance

What Is Inheritance: Inheritance is a feature of object-oriented programming languages that allows derived classes to inherit or override the functionality (data and behavior) of a base class. The method of constructing one class from another class is called Inheritance. The derived class inherites all the properties and methods from base class and add its own…
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Polymorphism is a Greek word, meaning “one name many forms”. In other words, one object has many forms or has one name with multiple functionalities. “Poly” means many and “morph” means forms. It means ability to take more than one form. The same function will show different behaviour, when we passsed different type of value or…
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How to create a Power Platform trial?

In this blog, we will discuss how to create a Power Platform trial? The Microsoft Power Platform comprises of four components – Power BI, Power Apps, Power Automate, and Power Virtual Agents.  The Power Platform-tools help to unlock the potential of office 365 and dynamics 365. It customizes, extends, and builds all the apps that you require for your business. …
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What is dynamics 365 and why your business need this application

Dynamics 365 is the Microsoft family of business applications. It promises to turn business process into business advantage for organizations everywhere. But what does that really mean? Dynamics 365 launched in 2016 when Microsoft brought together Dynamics AX, its ERP application and the Dynamics CRM application. Microsoft was one of the first to make a…
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Top 10 proven methods for Dynamics 365 Project Success

Successful Projects in Dynamics 365 depends on many things you should consider in start of the project. Some points are highlighted here. 1. Build an effective project team. Before you implement a Microsoft Dynamics 365 project, you should gain buy-in from multiple teams across the organization, since these will not only serve as internal ambassadors for…
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Why you should use Power Automate for your cloud automation

Power Automate is useful in automating work processes or tasks between your preferred applications and services hosted in both cloud and on-premise. For instance, you can automate certain tasks, to achieve the following: Get immediate alerts to important notifications or emails. Get notifications on your mobile device. Track and catch up with new potential customers.…
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Trending technologies you must learn in 2022

The economy is now experiencing an up skilling and reskilling revolution, according to a new analysis from LinkedIn Learning. Many of the highest-paying occupations in the modern economy are already being transformed into “super jobs,” which demand individuals to possess a diverse set of talents. And, as we’ve become accustomed to, skill-based recruiting is already…
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